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DR!PD - Disgusting

Local musician and good friend "DR!PD" asked me to help film and edit a music video for him. He also asked me if i could do the general promotional campaign around the track he will be releasing called "Disgusting". DR!PD pitched an idea to me that involved "capturing the feel of ADHD" and "Furries". The concept was quite vague to me and to an extend to the artist himself as well which has the upside of a lot of creative freedom but made miscommunications quite frequent.

(Spotify Canvas Video)

He also asked me to do the artwork for the track which he had a specific vision in mind for as well. We sparred back and forth on what a potential cover art could be and we decided on taking inspiration from the rawness of the track and general social media to design an artwork that looks busy and quite modern to, again, capture that feeling of ADHD. (See Below)

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